My 3rd figure based on a Kevin Smith character, or in this case, Smith himself.
Silent Bob was originally intended to be a two-fer doll, meaning it could be "quick-changed" into a doll of Smith. The
plan was to create the hair a la Smith's real 'do, and attach the longer pieces to the Mooby cap. Put on the cap, remove
the glasses intended for the doll, and Instant Silent Bob. The plan was scrapped, though, when it turned out that the
cap would only stay on when there was absolutely no hair on the top of the head, was pulled down tight, then glued.
The "real Smith" doll will have to wait, then.
Bob started as, of all things, Sideshow Toys' "Sargeant Schultz" figure from their Hogan's
Heroes line. I was never a fan of the show, but after looking closely at Schultz' face, realized that it looked
just like an older version of Silent Bob. There was still work to be done, though. For one, Schultz' head is longer
than Smith's, so much sanding (using a Dremel tool) was necessary to flatten the head as much as possible. Magic Sculpt
was used to complete the beard and moustache, and to fill in Schultz' wrinkles.

The cap was more complicated to sew, but fortunately I'd already had some practice making the
cap for the Plush Silent Bob, seen here. The scale was a bit smaller this time, meaning that painting the Mooby cow and logo on each side would be more challenging.
I think I did a respectable job of it, though.
I took the pics before finishing Bob's ubiquitous cigarette. That was made from the smallest dowel I could find,
cut to size, then just painted with white, butterscotch and gray paint.
Current Status: residing in Stately Smith Manor!