Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu of the best TV series ever, Farscape. Sikozu, or Sikky-poo, as I like to call her, comes
courtesy of an Art S. Buck generic female doll. Prepared to do a lot of sculpting and dremeling, I compared the doll's head
to Sikozu's and couldn't decide what, exactly, needed to be done. In the end I just rounded out the chin a little, and the
rest was a paint job.
It's difficult to tell here, but Sikozu is covered with translucent "scales" painted on using (almost) clear
Pearl paint. Enough paint was removed from the brush to almost be a drybrush, and then her "scales" were painted
onto the arms, chest/neck, temples and forehead.
Chalk pastels were used for the pink highlights, and Pearl Ex gold pigment was brushed over the entire doll to add a gold
tone to her. She's quite a shiny character.
The boots were modified from a 21st Century "Matilda" doll's boots, then painted red, then orange. The costume
was made from red vinyl painted with a layer of orange.
