Does Frankenstein's Monster live in a creepy, damp, drafty stone castle? Not in my world! From my "Monsters Are People,
Too" series (pieces: 1, so far), The Monster is just finishing his morning shower.
He began as a Randy Bowen-sculpted upper torso (head, chest, part of the arms) only. I took that piece, sculpted the
rest and added a little pink towel to cover his naughties.
The base is also scratch-built of plywood, foamcore, dollhouse bathroom tile facade, plastic for the shower, and various
dollhouse accessories.
Closeup of his tootsies. Remember that the bust = Randy Bowen. Everything else = Me. I wasn't sure how to sculpt each individual
"stitch" for The Monster's wounds, so I ended up dipping thread into Krazy Glue to stiffen it, then cut and glued
each individual piece in place.
If interested, I'd be willing to part with The Monster for $200.