The head was ideal to work with in that it came with long, straight, black hair and bangs. The challenge was making
the bangs stay apart in the middle (client request) and of course giving her an open mouth with fangs. This was done
by grinding away the original mouth and resculpting. It was really fun cutting out, painting, and attaching teeny bat-like
earrings for her.
Unlike for Starfire, it was decided that Vampy's costume would be fabric. This presented its own challenges because of the skimpiness.
It has to do with scale figures and trying to keep tiny clothes on them. The stylized gold bat at bottom of her...
er, dress was carefully cut from bare metal foil and pressed on. Bits that were resistant to staying put were glued
At right is the second version of her costume. Version 1 pics are below. The main change was that the connecting
ring just below the collar was greatly reduced, and the straps glued inside of it rather than simply overlapping under it.
Version 1 also had a gold wrap-around armlet and no set of bracelets on her right hand.
Following are various poses in her Version 1 outfit, plus some in-progess shots.

Did you know that Forrest J. Ackerman created Vampirella? I did not know that. If you don't know who Ackerman
is, well... google him. Anyway, arguably the world's sexiest vampire (I'm partial to the male versions) started
as a horror hostess and not the supernatural superheroine that she is today.
The Vampy action figure here began with a Cy-Girl body and... well, I'm not sure where the head is from. My client
provided it. The head and body turned out to be incompatible, but in all honestly, I can't remember how I overcame this!
