Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis, shortened to Jool, is a character
from one of the best television shows ever, Farscape. She was not the
most popular member of Moya's crew during its initial run, but I've grown to
like her during subsequent viewings. So has the gal that I made this for.
Jool is a custom doll that began as...
well, I'm not certain of the exact brand of female doll body that I used, but it did come with its own high heels. Either
that or I sculpted the high heels myself, and completely forgot having done so. You decide!
The original
doll body was not as... robust... as Jool, so the first step was to sculpt huge tracts of land for her from Aves Apoxie Sculpt,
a two-part epoxy that air-dries to rock hardness. Even thin pieces are a challenge to break.
There was
also a fair amount of facial sculpting for resembling Jool, aka Tammy Macintosh, never mind the alien ridges going up her
forehead. The hair consists of tight "Mini Curls," an acrylic doll hair that I avoid using if I can... and use if I
can't find a better substitute,
Jool's leathery gear was made of semi-stuff vinyl pieces, cut and glued, and then dotted with
white fabric paint around the edge. The thigh-high "boots" were made a softer vinyl. Those were sewn, not glued.
Finished off with her own doll base plus a Farscape logo!